Thursday, January 07, 2010

"What's the purpose of your trip to Israel?"

"What's the purpose of your trip to Israel?" was the question asked by six different Israeli security officials of Sarah* and On Earth Peace executive director Bob Gross this past weekend, in the course of more than twelve hours in the custody of Israeli airport security. Eventually, Bob and Sarah were denied entry, jailed and deported from Israel—barred from re-entry for ten years. On Tuesday, they arrived back in the United States, instead of meeting with thirteen others arriving in Israel for a peacemaking delegation which the two were supposed to lead in Israel and Palestine, January 6-18.

What was the purpose of their trip to Israel? This fifth annual Middle East delegation co-sponsored by On Earth Peace and Christian Peacemaker Teams is an immersion in the realities of the current moment in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. What are those realities? A nonviolent movement is on the rise, again; this week, over a thousand international activists attempted to enter into Gaza from Egypt, bearing humanitarian and medical aid. A separation wall continues to be built by Israel, dividing Palestinian families and communities and taking Palestinian land. Israelis live in fear of suicide bombers. Many Palestinians who live under blockade and military occupation continue eking out daily life without access to safe water, medical care, or basic foods. Some Israelis and Palestinians who are weary of decades of bloody conflict are creating nonviolent pathways to resolving the situation.

The remaining thirteen members of the delegation entered Israel without incident. The peacemaker delegation, including seven members of the Church of the Brethren, will visit with Israeli and Palestinian peace, social justice and human rights groups, and will be hosted by families and community leaders. From these visits and meetings, delegation members will learn gain an understanding of Palestinian and Israeli perspectives and concerns. Delegate Shannon Richmond of Seattle, WA, is a recent college graduate in criminal justice and violence studies, who has spent time traveling in South Africa and Mexico. In the days before leaving, she said, “I am anxious to see how nonviolent action works in real-life circumstances, rather than just reading about it!” Upon returning to their home communities, delegates will be prepared to speak of what they have learned and experienced first-hand.

Back home in North Manchester, Indiana, Bob Gross reflected on the interrogation and deportation experience. “During our time being held with Israeli security, we saw many other people coming under additional questioning as well. Almost all those pulled aside were people of color. Most were of Arab and African descent. We’re clear that Sarah’s Egyptian heritage as well as her photographic documentation of Palestine via the internet were motivating factors in their decision to deport us. In addition to this racism, there is also the Israeli government’s fear of anything that seems to value Palestinian equality or human rights, which means that those of us who are committed to nonviolent peacemaking are considered a threat.”

Supporting that struggle – for Palestinian rights as well as Israeli rights, for safety, equality and security for all people in the Middle East – is the real purpose of the On Earth Peace delegation this month, and of Bob and Sarah’s aborted entry into Israel.

*Sarah’s last name is kept confidential to protect her from further scrutiny on subsequent trips to the Middle East.


On Earth Peace provides skills, support, and a spiritual foundation to face violence with active nonviolence, through ministries of education, reconciliation, and community organizing. On Earth Peace is rooted in the Church of the Brethren, an historic peace church in the Anabaptist and Pietist traditions, with a three-hundred year commitment to radical discipleship, service and peacemaking.

Should peace be a process?

(This blog entry is by Mary Cox.)

I am sitting in Al-Khalil's CPT apartment right now. We just arrived (6:30pm) in Al-Khalil (the Arabic name for Hebron) by bus and then walked a ways to the apartment.

But before arriving here, we spent the day in Jerusalem. After eating breakfast in the Hashimi Hotel, we gathered up on the rooftop of the hotel, overlooking the Muslim quarter of the Old City. It was beautiful, bright, and a refreshing greeting after such a long day of travel yesterday.

The main event of the day was meeting with the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions (ICAHD). This is a political organization that started in 1997 and is dedicated to ending the Israeli occupation and achieving a just peace for Israelis and Palestinians. To dramatize the problems of the occupation, ICAHD focuses on home demolitions by working to prevent homes from being demolished (sometimes standing in front of bulldozers) and by illegally rebuilding some homes after they've been demolished. The following picture is of a demolished Palestinian home we saw in Jerusalem.

We took a tour of Jerusalem led by ICAHD, and I began to think about lots of questions. I need to think and question....we all do! One area in particular that I gave thought to today: Negotiation.

One of the things I love about President Obama is his overall willingness to engage in international negotiation. And the U.S. has played a prominent role in negotiations in the past with Israel and Palestine. But what I considered today is that making peace into a process is exactly what Israel wants and needs in order to continue their occupation, because negotiating takes time, and it always has the potential to fail. As long as Israel can continue to appear willing to long as they can continue to make offers to the Palestinians, and as long as the Palestinians continue to reject Israel's offers, then Israel looks like they are trying for peace, and Palestine looks like they are not cooperating. This gives Israel more apparent legitimacy, and more time to continue expanding settlements.

But how could the process ever be on equal terms? How could Palestine ever actually accept any of Israel's offers? -- All of the offers Israel has given to Palestine have truly been unacceptable: separating Palestinians from each other, cutting them off from Jerusalem, and controlling the water sources, by retaining the land bordering the Jordan River, for example. So of course, Palestinians have turned down the offers.

Is this a situation in which negotiation will not help the Palestinians and Israelis? It's not actually in Israel's best interest to negotiate. Right now, they are in control of so many aspects of the area, that they only stand to lose through real negotiations. It seems like the only way that negotiation would really be a viable option is if both the Palestinians and the Israeli government genuinely wanted it and could gain something from it. The last question I will leave you with then is:

How can we change the situation so that Israel would want to negotiate fairly?

-Mary Cox